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Velkommen til Flow Intimates

Flow was founded to free your period. Drawn in Copenhagen, Flow Intimates are made to make you feel you while bleeding.

Flow is setting out to shift the market by empowering you to choose reusable instead of disposable. Helping you care for your vulva and at the same time being toxin-free.

Flow was born three months after our founder gave birth for the second time - on the first day she had her period.

After years of fertility treatments and speculation around her period (the wondrous period, a blessing and a curse - revealing both if IVF/ICSI works and the starting point of every new treatment cycle), followed by two blessed births, she hadn't had her abdomen completely to herself since 2016.

That vagina deserved a break. No tampons, no menstrual cups. No fiddling around! Free bleeding all the way! But... without the stained clothes. Introducing: period panties. Gosh, the relief!

Flow Intimates will redefine your period - we've got your back and bottoms. And welcome to Flow by the way, we're excited to have you here.

Cathrine Widunok Wichmand,
Founder of Flow Intimates

PS Have any questions? Feel free to reach out by email

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