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What is discharge?

All healthy girls and people with a feminized body will experience discharge in their panties from the time they hit puberty. It can change color and consistency, just as the quantity can also vary. For example, someone will experience an increased amount of discharge during pregnancy, perhaps so increased that they need a pad or a pair of menstrual panties to avoid feeling wet.

Discharge is magical in many ways. If you want to have insight into where you are in your cycle and when you ovulate, for example, then it is the consistency of the discharge that you need to get to know. From it being completely thin and more fluid, to being more 'stretchy' and egg white-like, to the dry in the panties. It actually shows you exactly where you are in your cycle.

It's also magical in the way that it actually keeps the vagina clean. Discharge means that the vagina is self-cleansing - the vagina itself has no glands, but fluid penetrates through the vaginal wall, which then mixes with fluid from the cervix. The flu is responsible for flushing dirt, bacteria and dead cells from the surface of the mucous membrane out of the body. This is also the reason why you shouldn't really wash yourself 'inside' - it's completely unnecessary and will perhaps disturb the pH balance of the vagina more than do any good.

Discharge is typically filled with healthy lactic acid bacteria, lactobacilli. And those bacteria produce lactic acid - that's why the raft is also slightly acidic in smell and taste. And this also means that the vagina has a slightly acidic environment - for the vagina to feel good, a low pH value must be ensured. This is also what you may experience, causing stains in your panties that do not come off in the wash.

It is also a really good indicator of how the body actually feels. If, for example, you have inflammation in the abdomen, you may experience discharge:

  • Changes color, smell, consistency and quantity
  • That it starts to itch and the skin is irritated at the opening of the vagina
  • Burning when you urinate

Inflammatory conditions that can change your discharge can be, for example, fungus, chlamydia and herpes. But in addition to inflammation, changes in discharge can also occur due to, for example, irritation of the mucous membrane. It can happen through the use of various soaps, perfumes and spermicidal cream, but it can also occur through an allergic reaction, for example to latex.

Remember you must always contact your doctor if your discharge changes character.

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