
Exercise and Menstruation: Getting the Most Out of Your Workout During Your Cycle
Author: Emma Libner When I and the other girls in my class started menstruating in elementary school, we didn't talk to each other about it. There was no girl talk in the schoolyard, no sisterly e...
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All healthy girls and people with a feminized body will experience discharge in their panties from the time they hit puberty. It can change color and consistency, just as the quantity can also vary...
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Menstruation after giving birth: What do you need to know?
In the first days and weeks after your birth, post partum , you will experience bleeding that may resemble your period. The bleeding comes from the wound from where your placenta was stuck in the u...
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Everything you need to know about sex during your period
Author: Emma Libner Many of us have been taught that menstruation is something we should keep to ourselves, and that sex during menstruation is difficult, disgusting and maybe even dangerous. ...
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“Not tonight, honey”: Understand your (or your partner's) desire
Author: Emma Libner Do you know that? You have been watching Netflix on the sofa all evening. It's getting a little late, you've had a little too much candy, you're tired, not so well-prepare...
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Take good care of your cervix: Did you remember your cell scraping?
Author: Emma Libner If your CPR number ends in an even number, you may have seen it before. The invitation to screening for cell changes, which regularly lands in the e-box of all 23-64-year-...
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