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Motion og menstruation: Få det bedste ud af din træning i løbet af din cyklus

Motion og menstruation: Få det bedste ud af din træning i løbet af din cyklus

Motion og menstruation: Få det bedste ud af din træning i løbet af din cyklus
Menstruation og cyklus

Motion og menstruation: Få det bedste ud af din træning i løbet af din cyklus

Forfatter: Emma Libner Da jeg og de andre piger i min klasse begyndte at få menstruation i folkeskolen, talte vi ikke med hinanden om det. Der var ingen tøsesnak i skolegården, ingen søsterlig udv...

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Hvad er udflåd?
Menstruation og cyklus

What is discharge?

All healthy girls and people with a feminized body will experience discharge in their panties from the time they hit puberty. It can change color and consistency, just as the quantity can also vary...

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Menstruation efter fødslen: Hvad skal du vide?
Menstruation og cyklus

Menstruation after giving birth: What do you need to know?

In the first days and weeks after your birth, post partum , you will experience bleeding that may resemble your period. The bleeding comes from the wound from where your placenta was stuck in the u...

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Alt hvad du behøver at vide om sex under din menstruation
Sundhed og sex

Everything you need to know about sex during your period

Author: Emma Libner Many of us have been taught that menstruation is something we should keep to ourselves, and that sex during menstruation is difficult, disgusting and maybe even dangerous. ...

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“Ikke i aften, skat”: Forstå din (eller din partners) lyst
Sundhed og sex

“Not tonight, honey”: Understand your (or your partner's) desire

Author: Emma Libner Do you know that? You have been watching Netflix on the sofa all evening. It's getting a little late, you've had a little too much candy, you're tired, not so well-prepare...

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Pas godt på din livmoderhals: Har du husket dit celleskrab?
Sundhed og sex

Take good care of your cervix: Did you remember your cell scraping?

Author: Emma Libner If your CPR number ends in an even number, you may have seen it before. The invitation to screening for cell changes, which regularly lands in the e-box of all 23-64-year-...

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