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Flow Intimates

Løvens Hule: Anne Stampe invests in Flow Intimates

The lions see red and invest in Flow Intimates

On 11 January 2024, The Dragons see red when the second episode of Løvens Hule, season nine, rolls across the screen on DR1. Among the hopeful entrepreneurs in the program you will find Cathrine Widunok Wichmand, founder of the company Flow Intimates, who has a very special mission: to put menstruation on the agenda.

Flow Intimates designs and produces menstrual panties - panties with a special technology that allows you to bleed directly into them without bleeding through. For many still a new concept, but not for the seasoned lion, Anne Stampe.

In the previous season, the viewers could hear her talk enthusiastically about the market for menstrual panties, which, according to Anne Stampe, was "growing explosively".

And there is something about the hype. On a global level, it is estimated that the market for menstrual panties will grow to a staggering 275.6 billion US dollars by 2031 ( source ) and here in Denmark too, there are many indications that the Danes are ready for the panty adventure: Around 10,000 Google- searches for period panties every single month, notes Flow Intimates' founder.

In the studio for the filming of the new season of Løvens Hule, which took place this summer, there were therefore plans for sweaty palms and difficult negotiations when Cathrine went to the lions with an ambitious pitch to develop Flow Intimates' brand into a female healthcare brand of international rank. As many as three lions volunteered at once, and after an hour and a half pitch it was clear that the small company's dream scenario could unfold: Anne Stampe invested in Flow Intimates and the mission to give menstruating consumers a better period. The deal was closed with a handshake and a hug, and the formal due diligence process could then begin outside the television studio.

With an investment of DKK 350,000 for an ownership stake of 10%, Anne Stampe joins Flow Intimates as the second investor in the company, in addition to Dennis Forchhammer. Both investors will help strengthen Flow's mission to raise the bar for menstrual products and remove the taboo and shame associated with monthly bleeding, whether you have just had your first period or are about to have your last.

Together with Flow's founder Cathrine, she is taking the first steps towards requiring all menstruating women in Denmark to have at least one pair of menstrual panties in their drawer.

You can read more about Cathrine Widunok Wichmand's journey with the company Flow Intimates and experiences with Løvens Hule in the articles here:


Read more about Løvens Hule:

Part 1 - The call :

Part 2 - Filming the show  :

Part 3 - Closing the deal:

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