
Guide: What you need to know about your first period
The first menstruation. Also called menarche (just as the last menstruation is called menopause). For most people, an experience, a day, a moment that you will remember for the rest of your life. A...
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How are menstruation and mood swings related?
You probably know it. What used to feel manageable is suddenly completely unmanageable. You're yelling at your mother . Your boyfriend is annoying you. The clothes don't fit right. Your surplus is ...
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Exercise and Menstruation: Getting the Most Out of Your Workout During Your Cycle
Author: Emma Libner When I and the other girls in my class started menstruating in elementary school, we didn't talk to each other about it. There was no girl talk in the schoolyard, no sisterly e...
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All healthy girls and people with a feminized body will experience discharge in their panties from the time they hit puberty. It can change color and consistency, just as the quantity can also vary...
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Why do I get an upset stomach during menstruation?
Do you know that? Your period comes in torrents - and so does the urge to go to the toilet. And it should preferably happen at a reasonable speed. Your period can have somewhat the same effect on ...
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Menstruation after giving birth: What do you need to know?
In the first days and weeks after your birth, post partum , you will experience bleeding that may resemble your period. The bleeding comes from the wound from where your placenta was stuck in the u...
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I was raised to hide pads up my sleeves. That the *most embarrassing* thing would be to bleed through. I grew up with advertisements for sanitary napkins where the liquid was never red but just a...
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Ready, steady, swim: Tips and tricks for a worry-free vacation with your period
When I was 14 years old, I was going on my first vacation to Crete. I was ecstatic at the thought of three swimming pools and could hardly wait to spend a whole week covered in a constant mix ...
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Periods and skincare: This is how your cycle affects your skin
Author: Emma Libner If I ask you to think of an organ, you might first think of the heart, lungs, or brain. But did you know that the skin is the largest organ you have? In fact, you are composed ...
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5 tips to naturally relieve menstrual pain
Author: Emma Libner For many, menstrual pain is a constant companion when the days in the cycle app light up red. A little reminder of what time of the month it is, in case you had forgotten. Acco...
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Welcome to Menstrutopia: A Vision of a World Where Menstruation is No Longer Taboo
Written by Emma Libner This May marks the 10th anniversary of the first international Menstrual Hygiene Day, known as MH Day, which is observed every year on May 28th. Over the past decade since ...
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Author: Emma Libner Green Menstrual Products Are the New Black - and for Good Reason! Throughout her life, an average menstruating person generates between 125 and 150 kg of waste in the form of u...
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From old rags to menstrual panties: A brief history of menstrual products through time
Author: Emma Libner There are currently a lot of new ideas for the future of menstrual protection. After decades of limited options on the shelves of supermarket hygiene departments, the menstrual ...
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Women with endo tell us: Our best advice for those who suspect endometriosis
Author: Emma Libner On the occasion of March being international endometriosis awareness month, Flow recently interviewed five women about their experiences with the neglected disease endometrio...
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author: Emma Libner 190 million. That's how many people with a uterus are living with the disease endometriosis, worldwide. Perhaps you've never heard the word "endometriosis" before and ...
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Menstruation and fertility: Here's what you should know
Author: Emma Libner When I had my first period, I was told - in the midst of the crisis of my new, bleeding reality - that now I had to be careful, because now I could get pregnant. Although ...
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What are the benefits of menstrual panties?
You may know it - you don't know if your period will come today or tomorrow. But it can be difficult to guard yourself in advance. Just the thought of inserting a tampon or a cup into a dry vagina ...
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Menstruation Towards Menopause: What to Expect?
You sweat, have joint pain, abdominal pain, bleeding disorders, less sex drive, sore breasts, dry mucous membranes or perhaps you experience visual disturbances. There are over 34 dif...
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Five false myths about menstruation
Menstruation (and the abdomen of women and feminized bodies in general) remains one of the most mythical functions of the body. We know something - but we still don't know everything. The female b...
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How does menstruation affect my sleep quality?
It may well be that you can sleep well through your bleeding days. But there is also a certain risk of you tossing and turning, waking up feeling like you've passed out, or perhaps needing ...
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