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Hvor lang er en menstruationscyklus?

Hvor lang er en menstruationscyklus?

Hvor lang er en menstruationscyklus?

Hvor lang er en menstruationscyklus?

Åh, menstruationsverden <3 Det er lidt en ny verden, man træder ind i, når fra man får sin første menstruation. Og vi er, obviously, ret vilde med den. Samtidig med at vi også selv er vokset op ...

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Guide: Det skal du vide om din første menstruation
Menstruation og cyklus

Guide: Det skal du vide om din første menstruation

Den første menstruation. Også kaldet menarcken (ligesom de sidste menstruationer kaldes menopausen). For de fleste en oplevelse, en dag, et øjeblik, som man vil huske resten af livet. En milepæl de...

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Hvordan hænger menstruation og humørsvingninger sammen?
Menstruation og cyklus

Hvordan hænger menstruation og humørsvingninger sammen?

Du kender det helt sikkert. Det, der plejer at føles overkommeligt, er pludselig totalt uoverskueligt. Du vrisser af din mor. Din kæreste irriterer dig. Tøjet sidder forkert. Overskuddet er i minus...

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Motion og menstruation: Få det bedste ud af din træning i løbet af din cyklus
Menstruation og cyklus

Motion og menstruation: Få det bedste ud af din træning i løbet af din cyklus

Forfatter: Emma Libner Da jeg og de andre piger i min klasse begyndte at få menstruation i folkeskolen, talte vi ikke med hinanden om det. Der var ingen tøsesnak i skolegården, ingen søsterlig udv...

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Hvad er udflåd?
Menstruation og cyklus

What is discharge?

All healthy girls and people with a feminized body will experience discharge in their panties from the time they hit puberty. It can change color and consistency, just as the quantity can also vary...

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Hvorfor får jeg dårlig mave under menstruation?
Menstruation og cyklus

Why do I get an upset stomach during menstruation?

Do you know that? Your period comes in torrents - and so does the urge to go to the toilet. And it should preferably happen at a reasonable speed. Your period can have somewhat the same effect on ...

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Menstruation efter fødslen: Hvad skal du vide?
Menstruation og cyklus

Menstruation after giving birth: What do you need to know?

In the first days and weeks after your birth, post partum , you will experience bleeding that may resemble your period. The bleeding comes from the wound from where your placenta was stuck in the u...

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Velkommen til The Bloody Hustle
Menstruation og cyklus

Velkommen til The Bloody Hustle

Jeg er opvokset med at gemme bind i ærmerne. Med at det *mest pinlige* vil være at bløde igennem. Jeg er vokset op med reklamer for bind, hvor væsken aldrig var rød men ligeså blå som kølervæske. ...

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Kære far: 5 ting alle fædre bør vide om menstruation

Dear Dad: 5 Things All Dads Should Know About Menstruation

When the first period - also called menarche - comes, it can be a big upheaval for your child. Menstruation doesn't just come with a new cycle and a body that needs to be relearned, which in its...

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Klar, parat, svøm: Tips og tricks til en bekymringsfri badeferie med din menstruation
Menstruation og cyklus

Ready, steady, swim: Tips and tricks for a worry-free vacation with your period

When I was 14 years old, I was going on my first vacation to Crete. I was ecstatic at the thought of three swimming pools and could hardly wait to spend a whole week covered in a constant mix ...

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Menstruation og hudpleje: Sådan påvirker din cyklus din hud
Menstruation og cyklus

Periods and skincare: This is how your cycle affects your skin

Author: Emma Libner If I ask you to think of an organ, you might first think of the heart, lungs, or brain. But did you know that the skin is the largest organ you have? In fact, you are composed ...

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5 tips til at lindre menstruationssmerter - naturligt
Menstruation og cyklus

5 tips to naturally relieve menstrual pain

Author: Emma Libner For many, menstrual pain is a constant companion when the days in the cycle app light up red. A little reminder of what time of the month it is, in case you had forgotten. Acco...

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Velkommen til Menstrutopia: Et bud på, hvordan ville verden se ud, hvis menstruation ikke længere var et tabu
Menstruation og cyklus

Welcome to Menstrutopia: A Vision of a World Where Menstruation is No Longer Taboo

Written by Emma Libner This May marks the 10th anniversary of the first international Menstrual Hygiene Day, known as MH Day, which is observed every year on May 28th. Over the past decade since ...

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Træt af bind og tamponer? Her er 3 alternativer til en mere bæredygtig menstruation
Menstruation og cyklus

Tired of pads that move around and tampons that irritate? Here are 3 reusable alternatives for your period care.

Author: Emma Libner Green Menstrual Products Are the New Black - and for Good Reason! Throughout her life, an average menstruating person generates between 125 and 150 kg of waste in the form of u...

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Fra gamle klude til menstruationstrusser: En kort historie om menstruationsprodukter gennem tiden
Menstruation og cyklus

Fra gamle klude til menstruationstrusser: En kort historie om menstruationsprodukter gennem tiden

Forfatter: Emma Libner Det vrimler lige nu med nye bud på fremtidens menstruationsbeskyttelse. Efter årtier med sparsomme valgmuligheder på hylderne i supermarkedernes hygiejneafdelinger, gjorde me...

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Teenagere og menstruation: En guide for forældre

Teenagere og menstruation: En guide for forældre

Forfatter: Emma Libner Jeg husker tydeligt min første menstruation. Den kom en efterårsmorgen i form af en mørk plet i mine Snoopy-trusser og forandrede med ét alt, hvad jeg tænkte og følte om mig ...

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Kvinder med endo fortæller: Vores bedste råd til dig, der mistænker endometriose
Menstruation og cyklus

Kvinder med endo fortæller: Vores bedste råd til dig, der mistænker endometriose

Forfatter: Emma Libner I anledning af, at marts måned er international oplysningsmåned for endometriose, interviewede Flow for nylig fem kvinder om deres oplevelser med den oversete sygdom endometr...

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Endometriose rammer 1 ud af 10 med en livmoder. Men hvad er endometriose, og hvorfor er sygdommen så overset?
Menstruation og cyklus

Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 with a uterus. But what is endometriosis and why is the disease so overlooked?

author: Emma Libner 190 million. That's how many people with a uterus are living with the disease endometriosis, worldwide. Perhaps you've never heard the word "endometriosis" before and ...

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Menstruation og fertilitet: Her er hvad du bør vide
Menstruation og cyklus

Menstruation and fertility: Here's what you should know

Author: Emma Libner When I had my first period, I was told - in the midst of the crisis of my new, bleeding reality - that now I had to be careful, because now I could get pregnant. Although ...

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Alt hvad du behøver at vide om sex under din menstruation
Sundhed og sex

Everything you need to know about sex during your period

Author: Emma Libner Many of us have been taught that menstruation is something we should keep to ourselves, and that sex during menstruation is difficult, disgusting and maybe even dangerous. ...

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“Ikke i aften, skat”: Forstå din (eller din partners) lyst
Sundhed og sex

“Not tonight, honey”: Understand your (or your partner's) desire

Author: Emma Libner Do you know that? You have been watching Netflix on the sofa all evening. It's getting a little late, you've had a little too much candy, you're tired, not so well-prepare...

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Sådan påvirker din menstruationscyklus din mentale sundhed
Mentalt velvære

How your menstrual cycle affects your mental health

Author: Emma Libner Maybe you know the feeling? You feel like you've cracked the code to all of life's challenges one day only to find yourself deep in the Toffifee box with tears i...

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Menstruation og karriere: Sådan navigerer du på arbejdspladsen
Politik og forskning

Menstruation and career: How to navigate the workplace

Author: Emma Libner Raise your hand if you have tried one or more of the following scenarios: Have you hidden pads or tampons up your sleeve to avoid revealing that you had your period at wor...

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Pas godt på din livmoderhals: Har du husket dit celleskrab?
Sundhed og sex

Take good care of your cervix: Did you remember your cell scraping?

Author: Emma Libner If your CPR number ends in an even number, you may have seen it before. The invitation to screening for cell changes, which regularly lands in the e-box of all 23-64-year-...

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Løvens Hule: Anne Stampe investerer i Flow Intimates
Flow Intimates

Løvens Hule: Anne Stampe invests in Flow Intimates

The lions see red and invest in Flow Intimates On 11 January 2024, The Dragons see red when the second episode of Løvens Hule, season nine, rolls across the screen on DR1. Among the hope...

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Del 3: Løvens Hule: "Det bliver pissegodt!"
Flow Intimates

Part 3: The Lion's Den: "It's going to be awesome!"

Last and third part about the experience of being in Løvens Hule, written and narrated by our founder, Cathrine. We had prepared for the teeth before the Lion's Den. Watch all the episodes. Rese...

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Del 2: Løvens Hule: "Det er simpelthen helt sort for mig..."
Flow Intimates

Part 2: The Lions Den: "...My mind went blank.."

Part 2 about our participation in Løvens Hule(The Lions Den), told by Flow's founder, Cathrine.   We were prepared. We had researched all the lions - read interviews, listened to podcasts wit...

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Del 1: "... Kunne I have lyst til at være med i Løvens hule?"
Flow Intimates

Part 1: "...Would you like to join us in the Lion's Den?"

In the summer of 2023, we were contacted by a sweet caster from Løvens Hule. In three parts, our founder talks about the experiences, thoughts and preparations. On a warm June day last year, my ...

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Hvad er fordelene ved menstruationstrusser?
Menstruation og cyklus

What are the benefits of menstrual panties?

You may know it - you don't know if your period will come today or tomorrow. But it can be difficult to guard yourself in advance. Just the thought of inserting a tampon or a cup into a dry vagina ...

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Menstruationens fire faser: Hvad sker der i kroppen?

The four phases of menstruation: What happens in the body?

Alright, ladies, let's dive into the fascinating world of menstrual phases! Imagine your body as a magical monthly cycle that prepares for the possibility of creating life. It's like a beautiful...

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Menarken: Den allerførste menstruation

The first period

Menarche is a significant event in a young woman's life that marks the onset of menstruation, or the first occurrence of a menstrual period. It typically occurs during puberty, which is the stage ...

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Menstruation op mod overgangsalderen: Hvad kan du forvente?
Menstruation og cyklus

Menstruation Towards Menopause: What to Expect?

    You sweat, have joint pain, abdominal pain, bleeding disorders, less sex drive, sore breasts, dry mucous membranes or perhaps you experience visual disturbances. There are over 34 dif...

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Fem falske myter om menstruation
Menstruation og cyklus

Five false myths about menstruation

Menstruation (and the abdomen of women and feminized bodies in general) remains one of the most mythical functions of the body. We know something - but we still don't know everything. The female b...

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Hvordan påvirker menstruation min søvnkvalitet?
Menstruation og cyklus

How does menstruation affect my sleep quality?

  It may well be that you can sleep well through your bleeding days. But there is also a certain risk of you tossing and turning, waking up feeling like you've passed out, or perhaps needing ...

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Læge Amani Meaidi om Safe Choice: "Det er et spørgsmål om patientsikkehed"

Læge Amani Meaidi om Safe Choice: "Det er et spørgsmål om patientsikkehed"

In 2020, 416,810 Danish women received a prescription for hormonal contraception*, and with 268,390 prescriptions for the contraceptive pill, it was by far the most popular solution to prevent pre...

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Sew along for WeCare

Sew along for WeCare

Are you ready to get to work? On this International Women's Day we are getting together to do something important for someone else. You might've already read about our partnership with the Dan...

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Flow Intimates ♥️ Blossom Project

Flow Intimates ♥️ Blossom Project

We've been dreaming of this for a while. Teaming up with an NGO with a clear purpose and a cause calling our hearts out. And we found it in the Blossom Project . Flow has begun a long-term partne...

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PFAS: We passed the test!

PFAS: We passed the test!

We had our whole product range tested for PFAS - and we passed! "Sum of PFOS and related substances - not detected" and "sum of PFOA related substances - not detected". You might have heard ab...

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How big an impact am I making?

Reducing waste: How big of an impact am i making?

Today is a great day to start a new habit. And although small in size together with you we can make an impact . Did you know that period wear produces more than 90% less waste across a lifetime of...

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Welcome to Flow Intimates

Welcome to Flow Intimates

Flow was founded to free your period. Drawn in Copenhagen Flow Intimates are made to make you feel you while bleeding.

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