'It's Just Blood (Your First Book About Menstruation)'
The book that answers some (if not most) questions you may have about menstruation!
'It's just blood', written by Louise T. Sjørvad and Jette Sandbæk - or 'It's just blood' in English.
How often should I change my pad? Is it normal to have clots in the blood? Why am I suddenly so sad? What should I do if I bleed through?
Maybe these questions sound familiar? Or they probably will be if you're about to get your very first period. Everything is so new, all the things that are happening in your body.
'It's just blood' is an honest and heartwarming book that guides children and young people through their first year of blood, worries and everything else that comes with being a newbie to menstruation.
We LOVE how this book teaches through colorful text and illustrations. As a reader (also adults), you gain knowledge about the body, and the book is filled with a lot of personal advice and stories from other children and young people who honestly share how they experience menstruation.
Note: The book is published in Danish.
Authors: Louise T. Sjørbad and Jette Sandbæk
Illustrations: Louise Rosenkrands
Age: 10+
Size: 96 pages, 24 X 22 CM
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